Prevention Guidelines

Physical Activity

Leading a physically active lifestyle has been proven to reduce an individual’s risk of developing many types of cancer including breast and colorectal cancer.

The Cayman Islands Cancer Society recommends that individuals partake in moderate—vigorous intensity exercise of 30—90 minutes duration on most days of the week.


Reports from the US Surgeon General have concluded that there is no safe tobacco product and that tobacco harms nearly every organ in your body and worsens your health.

The Society recommends if you do not use tobacco products DON’T START and if you do use them make a quit attempt TODAY.

Sun Exposure

Ultraviolet rays from the sun increases your risk of developing skin cancer.

The Society recommends that all individuals protect themselves from the sun by staying indoors between 10 am and 4 pm, wearing clothing that covers as much of your body as possible and a wide-brimmed hat, wearing sunglasses and using sunscreen with a SPF of 15 or higher on a daily basis.


While it is debatable if stress causes cancer it is known that people who are stress are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors that will increase their risk of developing cancer.

The Society therefore recommends that you stress less and practice the advise given above.


There is evidence that diet plays a role in your risk of developing cancer. The Society recommends eating a low-fat diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables. Make your plate colorful! Avoid high-fat foods, fried foods and red meat. For more information on a healthy diet visit


Excessive alcohol intake increases your risk of developing cancer including oral cancers.

The Society recommends that if you drink alcoholic beverages you do so in moderation.

Unprotected Sexual Intercourse

Some types of cancers including cervical cancer, penile and anal cancers and oral cancer are associated with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). One way in which HPV is transmitted is through sex with an infected person.

For more cancer prevention information please contact the Cayman Islands Cancer Society at 949-7618 or

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