Financial Assistance

The Cancer Society also provides financial assistance to cancer patients for treatment related expenses. Applications for financial aid grants must be made to the Cancer Society office and will be reviewed by the Board of Directors. Each application is considered on an individual basis.

If you are a cancer patient and are in need of financial assistance, please download and complete the application form If you have any questions, please contact the Cancer Society.

Here are the Needs Assessment Unit Application Form and the Eligibility: Self-Assessment & Guide Form, should you need these as well.

CICS Financial Assistance Form

NAU Fillable Application Form

NAU Application Form Fillable

NAU Fillable Self Assessment & Guide

Eligibility Self Assessment Fillable and Guide

Your information will remain confidential. All personal and financial information will be held in strict confidence and in accordance with the Cayman Islands Data Protection Laws. Should you ever have any concerns about the privacy of your information, call at us at 345-949-7618.